2021 California Science Education Conference

Registration FAQs


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What's Included

Your registration fee includes more than 200 90-minute workshops, the opening and closing general sessions, focus speaker sessions, and full access to the exhibit hall. Weekend-only registrations include only those workshops,and focus speaker sessions held on Saturday and Sunday, October 22 - 23 and access to the exhibit hall on Saturday.

Other ticketed events such as the Awards Luncheon, short courses, evening events, and field courses are not included in your registration fee.

Forms of Payment

CSTA accepts checks and purchase orders (see note below) for conference fees, made payable to CSTA. We also accept VISA, MasterCard, American Express, and Discover. CSTA's federal tax ID number is 94-2926545. CSTA is a non-profit 501(c)(3) corporation.

Special Note Regarding Purchase Orders: POs used as payment for the conference must be received by October 3, 2016. You may use a Purchase Order if you register on-site, however, you must have a copy of the original purchase order. We are not able to accept just the purchase order number as payment.

Paying Early - Reimbursing Later

Yes. Complete your registration on-line or via fax with payment. When we receive payment from your school/district in the fall, we will refund the fees in full to your credit card.

I Paid - Now My School Paid - Now What?

Yes, CSTA will refund any funds that were submitted by you once payment has been received from your school district. We recommend you submit your payment with a credit card which will allow us to process your refund more quickly.

Transferring Registrations

Yes! In fact, if you are registered for the conference and then find that you cannot attend yourself, we encourage you to send a colleague in your place along with a signed letter stating you wish to transfer your registration fee.


If you need to cancel your registration, the cancellation notice must be made in writing and received by CSTA prior to October 3, 2016. Cancellations should be directed to the Executive Director and can be mailed (950 Glenn Dr. Ste. 150, Folsom, CA 95630), faxed (916) 979-7023), or e-mailed (registration@cascience.org) to CSTA. Cancellations are subject to a $25 administrative fee. Registration fees are fully transferable; if you need to cancel you are strongly encouraged to send a colleague in your place. To transfer your registration to another person, send a request in writing stating to whom you wish to transfer your registration fee.


A full refund of the registration fee, less a $25 administrative fee, will be granted for all written cancellation requests received by October 3, 2016. No refunds will be made for cancellations received after this date. Refunds will be issued based on the manner of payment by November 15, 2016. Refunds will not be processed at the conference and there are no refunds for no-shows. Meal purchases cannot be refunded, and no refunds will be issued for amounts under $25.


Yes, you may register at the On-Site registration desk; however, CSTA strongly recommends that you pre-register, which allows you to save time and money. It also ensures you space in ticketed events.

Badge and Program Book Pick-Up

You will receive an e-mail registration confirmation but the conference materials will not be mailed. The entire conference schedule will be available on the CSTA web site beginning in May. The schedule is searchable by presenter name, subject matter, grade level, professional development strand, and day. CSTA encourages you to view the on-line schedule and plan your participation prior to the conference. Pre-registered attendees may report directly to the Pre-Registration counter and pick up their conference materials.


Registration for a spouse/partner allows admission to exhibits area, general sessions, evening events (if a ticket is purchased), and focus speakers events only. Spouse/Partners may not participate in field courses, short courses, or workshops.


While we recognize that some events may be of some interest to children, our primary concern is for the enjoyment and benefit of our adult attendees. It is not our intention to prohibit attendance by children; however, CSTA assumes no liability for the actions, supervision, care taking, or well being of children. Any children brought to a CSTA event must be accompanied at all times by their parent or adult guardian. Children are required to register for the conference. Children's registration provides admission only to the same activities as the spouse/partner registration.


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