2021 California Science Education Conference

Shipping, Freight, and Material Handling


For information about Partner Packages for the California Science Education Conference, contact:

Beth Bettencourt
Conference Director
California Association of Science Educators
3620 American River Drive, Suite 230
Sacramento, CA 95864
916-979-7004 | beth@cascience.org



Detailed shipping instructions will be included in the Service Kit provided by GES. Do not ship any exhibit items to CASE. In addition to standard material handling options, the 2024 conference will offer cartload service for exhibitors. This service will include freight received at the loading dock up to 200lbs. maximum that can fit safely on a four (4) wheel cart and delivered to the exhibitor's booth for a flat rate. Shipment must be delivered by privately owned vehicle (POV). Any shipment delivered by commercial carriers, pickup trucks, vans and all other vehicles are considered material handling under Union rules. There is one cartload allowed per booth. Pricing and complete details and restrictions for this service will be available in the Service Kit.


All work involved in the loading and unloading of all trucks, trailers, and common and contract carriers, as well as the handling of empty crates and the operation of material handling equipment, is under union jurisdiction. The union also has the jurisdiction of the unloading, uncrating, unskidding, leveling, painting, and assembly of machinery and equipment, as well as the reverse process. Full-time employees of exhibiting companies may ‘hand carry’ material provided they do not use material handling equipment, and it is limited to what one person in one trip is able to carry per booth. When exhibitors do choose to ‘hand carry’ material, they may not be permitted access to the loading dock/freight door areas. GES will not be responsible for any material we do not handle.

Full-time employees of exhibiting companies may ‘hand carry’ material provided they do not use material handling equipment. When exhibitors do choose to ‘hand carry’ material, they may not be permitted access to the loading dock/freight door areas. Global Experience Specialists, Inc. will not be responsible for any material they do not handle.

More information on union labor and jursidiction can be found on the Service Contractor page.


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