2021 California Science Education Conference

Field Courses

Ticketed Events


Add Short Course, Field Tour and Sound of Music to your Conference Experience.

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Field courses offer hands-on learning experiences at exciting destinations throughout the Pasadena area. They are optional, require advance ticket purchase, and are open to adult, registered conference participants on a first-come, first-served basis. Ticket prices include round trip bus service between the Pasadena Convention Center and the field course site.

All CSTA Field Courses will depart by bus from the Pasadena Convention Center. Times listed include travel time, which may vary depending upon road and traffic conditions. Please arrive at the bus departure site in front of the Pasadena Convention Center 15 minutes prior to the scheduled departure time to ensure an on-time departure. For outdoor activities, participants are encouraged to wear walking shoes, layered clothing, and carry a backpack containing sunscreen, sunglasses, a hat, binoculars, camera, a notepad, and a pen. Lunch will be provided only where noted. CSTA recommends that you bring your own snacks as needed.

Friday, November 30, 2018

FC01: Tour of NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory
This Session is Sold Out

JPL is NASA's lead center for the robotic exploration of space. JPL missions have visited all the planets, comets, asteroids and interstellar space. On this visit, educators will tour the visitor center, Space Flight Operations Facility (mission control for spacecraft in deep space), and the Spacecraft Assembly Facility where the Mars 2020 rover is being built. This course is also offered in the afternoon; please see FC02.

  • More details: Fee Includes light snacks
  • When: Friday, November 30, 2018 – 8:45am – 12:00pm
  • Fee: $35
  • Maximum 80 attendees

FC02: Tour of NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory

JPL is NASA's lead center for the robotic exploration of space. JPL missions have visited all the planets, comets, asteroids and interstellar space. On this visit, educators will tour the visitor center, Space Flight Operations Facility (mission control for spacecraft in deep space), and the Spacecraft Assembly Facility where the Mars 2020 rover is being built. This course is a repeat of FC01.

  • More details: Fee Includes light snacks
  • When: Friday, November 30, 2018 – 12:30pm – 3:30pm
  • Fee: $35
  • Maximum 80 attendees

FC03: The Science in Your Beer: Chemistry, Microbiology, and Sensory Analysis at Trustworthy Brewing Company (formerly Verdugo West Brewing Company)

Learn the science behind beer making and fermentation from the Trustworthy Brewing Company Head Brewer (who has an M.S. degree in Biochemistry). Tour the facilities of this Burbank-based, craft brewery. Participate in three different hands-on stations: yeast counts with representatives of White Labs, learn about enzymatic activity with a small scale grain mash, and do a sensory analysis and tasting to learn how the various ingredients and the fermentation process all comes together and to result in the aromas and flavors in the glass. This event is limited to guests age 21 and over.

  • More details: Fee Includes Lunch and Flight of Beer
  • When: Friday, November 30, – 12:30pm – 5:00pm
  • Fee: $50
  • Maximum 55 attendees

FC04: Mt. Wilson Hike and Astronomy Tour

This is a walking tour of the Historical Mt. Wilson Observatory. Participants will experience the wonders of the San Gabriel Mountains as well as learning about the astronomical accomplishments that have changed what we know about our universe.

Participants will be able to visit the 60" and 100" telescope, walk through the Museum of Photonics, and receive a walking seminar from a Mt. Wilson Naturalist to re-discover the wonders of the San Gabriel Mountains.Located in the San Gabriel Mountains, started by George Ellery Hale in 1904. 1919, the largest telescope in the world (100") began operations and led to the discovery of the universe. Today Mt. Wilson Observatory continues to be used as an observing telescope and is open to rental opportunities to the public, most importantly with a mission to provide students learning opportunities.

  • More details: Fee includes Lesson Plans, Spectroscopy Lenses, Light Snack and Lunch
  • When: Friday, November 30, 2018 – 9:30am – 3:30pm
  • Fee: $60
  • Maximum 50 attendees

FC05: LA Zoo in the Classroom: Extending Field Experiences Beyond 4 Walls

*Field Course title printed incorrectly in the registration brochure

Home to animals from around the world and a botanic garden operated by the city of Los Angeles. In this half day field course, participants will experience the LA Zoo's Education Programs through hands-on investigation and exploration, in the classroom as well as out with the animals. Program highlights include discussions of how to bring the zoo into the classroom as well as extending classroom experiences. Hands-on experiences include close up encounters with animals where they will explore behaviors, as well as investigating the zoo as a habitat. Conversations may include engineering practices in terms of how habitats are created for animals and conservation practices (focused on Environmental Education Initiatives).

  • More details: Fee includes Lesson Plans and Snacks
  • When: Friday, November 30, 2018 – 8:00am – 1:30pm
  • Fee: $40
  • Maximum 50 attendees

FC06: Breathe, Relax, and Yoga

Breathe consciously and tap into your body's parasympathetic powers of relaxation through 45-minutes of Yoga. We will start with an energy boosting Vinyasa flow, followed by relaxing Yin Yoga stretches, and ending in a blissful meditative state. You will leave this morning session refreshed and energized for the rest of your exciting day at the conference.

  • More details: Fee includes Yoga Mat, Infographic on Yoga & Stress Reduction for Teachers, Yoga lesson plan and Yoga DVD
  • When: Friday, November 30, 2018 - 6:30am – 7:15am
  • Fee: $15
  • Maximum 30 attendees

Saturday, December 1, 2018

FC07: Breathe, Relax, and Yoga

Breathe consciously and tap into your body's parasympathetic powers of relaxation through 45-minutes of Yoga. We will start with an energy boosting Vinyasa flow, followed by relaxing Yin Yoga stretches, and ending in a blissful meditative state. You will leave this morning session refreshed and energized for the rest of your exciting day at the conference.

  • More details: Fee includes Yoga Mat, Infographic on Yoga & Stress Reduction for Teachers, Yoga lesson plan and Yoga DVD
  • When: Saturday, December 1, 2018 - 6:30am – 7:15am
  • Fee: $15
  • Maximum 30 attendees

*Yoga sessions will be led by Mary Ann Ng. Mary Ann teaches Biology and Anatomy & Physiology at Alhambra High School. She is also a certified Yoga Teacher in three different styles of Yoga --Yin, Chair, and Vinyasa Yoga. Currently, she is pursuing her certification in Yoga Therapy at Loyola Marymount University. As a science teacher, she incorporates yoga as a phenomenon for her NGSS lessons and mindfulness in her classroom.


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